Soul Reviews

I Wanna Be A Pilot Just To Wave At The Birds

🪤 What Is This Place?

Welcome to Soul Reviews! This is my personal website where I host my webcomic, blog, and anything else I get up to.

🦥 Who Are You?

I'm Soul! I'm an amatuer artist, hobbyist game dev, and professional software developer. I enjoy hiking, card games, and baking.

🌚 What Is This Site Written In?

Totally statically generated by some Clojure code I rolled myself. In the past it was full-stack lisp with Reagent/Ring, until I stripped the needless front-end stuff out, and I eventually did away with the Ring server as well so now I just serve HTML files I generate locally.

📧 How Can I Contact You?

Feel free to reach out to me at If you have a business query, then putting 'business query:' in the subject line will make it more likely for me to take your message seriously.